Jennifer and Zac McCool began supporting the Single Parent Scholarship Fund of Northwest Arkansas (SPSFNWA) in 2011, starting as volunteers when they couldn’t afford to give financially. As they listened to the inspiring stories of scholarship recipients, they knew they wanted to contribute more in the future—and they did. The McCools are passionate about the inclusivity of SPSFNWA, supporting students from all walks of life, including those pursuing trade school or certifications. For Jennifer, scholarship interviews are particularly moving, and she is often brought to tears by the perseverance she sees. They often share with others the additional resources SPSFNWA provides, like pantry items, counseling services, and job interview assistance. Jennifer believes these resources help not just the recipients but also inspire their children to pursue education. Jennifer’s connection to education is personal—her parents went back to school while raising four kids, and she knows the challenges of affording education. Seeing recipients succeed fills her and Zac with the same pride they felt at their own graduations. Their message to potential donors is simple: “Do it.” The McCools have seen firsthand how SPSFNWA transforms lives, and for over a decade, they have been dedicated to helping the organization grow and support future generations in Northwest Arkansas.

Barb Smith became involved with the Single Parent Scholarship Fund in early 2004. She brought over twenty years of experience in higher education, much of it as a financial aid administrator. Barb was immediately impressed by the uniqueness of the program, as she was unaware of any other scholarships that addressed the holistic needs of students, especially single parents. SPSFNWA’s comprehensive approach was something she hadn’t seen elsewhere. A few years later, Barb was asked to join the staff of the Single Parent Scholarship Fund. During this time, she witnessed the struggles of students firsthand. Many single parents lacked family support and faced unexpected challenges in their pursuit of education. SPSFNWA provided essential assistance, helping them navigate admissions, financial aid, and the competing demands of family, school, and work. This support, Barb noted, made a huge difference in their ability to manage all their responsibilities successfully, despite the many obstacles they faced. While SPSFNWA has expanded in recent years, Barb is a faithful donor who continues to support single parents with her time and resources. Both she and her husband, Wade, were raised by single mothers, so their support of SPSFNWA is not only a meaningful cause but also a way to honor their families.