What are your children’s names and how old are they?
Nayeli- 9 Years Old
Adrian- 2 Years Old
Emi- 1 Year Old

When did you graduate and are you currently employed?
Practical Nurse- NWTI- 2018 Graduate
Medical Assistant- Petra Allied Health- 2021 Graduate
I currently work for Everest Rehab Hospital
What has been the most rewarding thing about having a degree?
Knowing that I have a secure job and I can provide for my family.
What or who kept you motivated during your time as an SPSF scholarship recipient? How did SPSFNWA contribute to that motivation?
My Kiddos and my family. They helped with expenses such as gas and Christmas. The SPSF team has been very supportive.
How did your pursuit of a college education influence your children or other family members?
They see me as a role model. Being the oldest, they can see that we all can do it. I’m Supermom 😊
What has changed the most for you and your family now that you are no longer in school?
I am able to spend more time with my children instead of studying or doing homework.
What was the most beneficial part of being a SPSF scholarship recipient?
Being part of another family that supports you and helps along the way.
What do your kids what to be when they grow up?
My oldest wants to be an art teacher.

What is your favorite SPSF memory or activity?
Festival of Giving, School supply drives and the ability to use the dry pantry when needed.
What do you consider to be your greatest accomplishment since completing your education?
Finishing my certifications. This shows me that nothing is to is too hard and we can do it!
Looking back, was there one skill that you learned that was particularly useful, either in college or in the professional world?
What advice would you give someone desiring to go back to school?
It’s NEVER too late to chase your dreams!
What is something that has surprised you since graduating?
There are a whole lot of careers out there you just have to love what you are doing.