Meet Alumni: Samantha S.

Samantha shares about how receiving a scholarship from SPSFNWA has allowed her to achieve a career in a field she is passionate about and have more time to spend with her children.

Samantha’s Journey

What has been the most rewarding thing about receiving your cosmetology license?

  • The most rewarding thing about having my cosmetology license is I now make my own schedule and I have the freedom to spend more time with my girls.

What or who kept you motivated during your time as an SPSFNWA scholarship recipient? How did SPSF contribute to that motivation?

  • My kids were my biggest motivation. They deserve everything and more. SPSFNWA contributed to my motivation and success by providing financial support when I was unable to work while going to school full time and also providing a support system for many resources that I would not have had otherwise. 

What was the most beneficial part of being a SPSFNWA scholarship recipient? 

  • The most beneficial part of being a SPSFNWA recipient was having support through a very rough time. I went to school to make my family’s lives better but the road to get there was not easy. 

Tell us about your family.

  • I have 3 children, Laken(9) Haidyn(5) and Payton(3). 

How did your pursuit of an education influence your children or other family members?

  • It has influenced them by giving them a better future. I now can provide better for them and also have more time to be there for them. 

What has changed most for you and your family now that you are no longer in school? 

  • Now that I’m no longer in school, I can work my own hours and be more financially stable. 

What is your favorite SPSF memory or activity?

  • The banquet for the Distinguished Scholar Scholarship was a very fun and an honor to be a part of. 

What do you consider to be your greatest accomplishment since completing your education?

  • I have created a growing, thriving hair business that allows me to make a good pay and have the hours to be home with my girls. 

Looking back, was there one skill that you learned that was particularly useful, either in college/school or in the professional world?

  • I learned to market my skills through social media. 

What advice would you give someone desiring to go back to school?

  • Be fearless in pursuit of what sets your soul on fire. 

Final Thoughts…..SPSF played a huge role in supporting me through a journey that has now improved the life of my family. I get to go to a job everyday that I absolutely love. I get to provide a good life for my girls and watch them grow up without missing out due to work schedules. To all the donors who support this amazing program, thank you! Thank you from a single mom would never thought she would be where she is today. I hope one day I can return the favor and help other single parents achieve their goals. A huge thank you also to all the staff members at SPSF who work so hard to help make this program run so well. 

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