What is your child’s name and age?
- Jeremiah Trancoso, 13 years
Degree/Certification, School, year graduated, and current employment.
- Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology; I’m currently working as a Certified Neuropsychology Technician
What has been the most rewarding thing about having a degree/certification?
- I am able to work in an area of my interest
What or who kept you motivated during your time as a scholarship recipient?
- The Staff at SPSF: Katlyn Taylor, Jack Eaton, Frankie Rankin and Renee Hutton
How did your pursuit of an education influence your children or other family members?
- It influenced my son to do better in school and the value of education
What has changed most for you and your family now that you are no longer in school?
- I have more time to spend with them in the evening and weekends.
What was the most beneficial part of being a SPSF scholarship recipient?
- The support and encouragement during the most difficult times in my journey through school.
What does your son want to be when he grow up?
- My son still wants to be a MLB player.
What is your favorite SPSF memory or activity?
- The Christmas parties and the big fundraising events held at Embassy Suites.
What do you consider to be your greatest accomplishment since completing your education?
- My biggest accomplishment would be that I have proven to myself that no matter what comes my way I will always keep my head high and continue to better myself.
Looking back, was there one skill that you learned that was particularly useful, either in college/school or in the professional world?
- Communication and cultural awareness
What advice would you give someone desiring to go back to school and/or a current recipient?
- No matter how hard it gets it will get better. Resilience is key.
What is something that has surprised you since graduating?
- That no matter what degree you have, finding a job is still difficult. Even being bilingual.
In Conclusion….. It has been an eye-opening journey and still I continue to be amazed. I continue to look forward and continue to learn as much as I can. Learning is never ending and the more you learn the more you can grow as an individual.